Frequently Asked Questions

All DOT-regulated safety-sensitive employees/candidates in the aviation, railroad, public transit, trucking, maritime, and pipeline industries who violated the federal DOT drug and alcohol testing rules. (e.g., positive drug test, refusals,or self-referrals)

The time it takes to complete the DOT Return-to-Duty process varies. Based on the assessment outcome, severity of drug/alcohol use, the timeline could be a few days (LOW severity) to a few months (HIGH severity). The SAP must make a recommendation for some level of care per DOT CFR 49 Part 40 Subpart O.

Yes, Once you have violated the federal drug and alcohol testing regulations, you are prohibited from preforming safety-sensitive functions for any DOT regulated employer and must complete the Return-to-Duty process with a SAP.

No, this is why a split sample is collected. Only the other half of the sample collection can be re-tested. You still must be removed from safety-sensitive functions until you complete the Return-to-Duty process.

Yes, you must test negative on a Return-to-Duty Drug, Alcohol test (or both) before returning to DOT safety-sensitive functions. You are also subject to unannounced follow-up testing for at least 1 year, up to 5 years, determined by the SAP. The follow-up testing plan is provided directly to your employer/DER.

Not DOT mandated? We can help!

D2C maintains compliance for many companies’ drug and/ or alcohol testing policies and drug-free work-place programs. The process may vary based on your company policies or state and federal regulations. (including Nuclear).

Call D2C to get more information about your specific process to Get Back to Work.

  • “Second Chance” Employers
  • Self-Referrals
  • Unionized Workplaces
  • Nuclear Regulatory Industry
  • Drug-Free Workplace Environments