Elk Grove, CA

DOT Positive Drug Test Evaluation Near Elk Grove, CA

If you’ve been notified of a DOT drug test failure, you may have many questions about what that means and the next steps. We offer support with the return-to-duty process in Elk Grove, including substance abuse professional evaluations and a seamless return-to-work system for commercial drivers.

Overview of DOT SAP Evaluations

DOT SAP evaluations are the first step to employment reinstatement for someone who has failed a DOT drug and alcohol test and has been removed from safety-sensitive functions. If one of your employees had a DOT positive test and hasn’t been able to demonstrate the result was caused by a legitimate prescribed medication, they’ll be required to go through a SAP evaluation as part of their return-to-duty program.

Employees must work with their substance abuse professionals to ensure the promptest approach to returning to work. Attempting to minimize, project, or deny the problem that caused the DOT positive test may delay the process.

Understanding DOT SAP Evaluations

SAPs are trained professionals who can assess individuals who have had a DOT positive drug test. The purpose of a DOT SAP evaluation is to determine the severity, duration and intensity of the drug or alcohol use that led to the positive test and use that information to determine what sort of return-to-duty process would be best suited for that individual.

DOT regulations require drivers who failed a drug test to go through a SAP evaluation and complete a return-to-work process, as well as undergo regular follow-up tests to prove they’re complying with the program.

We offer Elk Grove DOT SAP evaluations (both in-person and remotely) to help people get on the path to recovery and back to work.

Locating a DOT SAP in Elk Grove, California

To complete the return-to-duty process in Elk Grove, you should work with a qualified substance abuse professional. A SAP evaluation from someone who isn’t recognized by the DOT wouldn’t be sufficient to allow a person to return to work.

Key Considerations When Selecting a DOT SAP

At Delivered2Choices, we offer Elk Grove transportation employee’s support to help after they’ve had a DOT positive drug test or a drug test refusal. We offer SAP evaluations, return-to-work programs, and ongoing support to help people remain compliant during the mandated follow-up testing process.

Our certified substance abuse professionals have a breadth of expertise, including alcohol and drug abuse counseling, making them well-equipped to serve people who are battling a variety of substance abuse issues. Whether you’re concerned about an employee who made a single mistake and would benefit from alcohol misuse education or you’re someone in recovery from drug abuse looking to maintain a career as a commercial driver, our Elk Grove substance abuse professionals can help.

Reasons to Choose Our DOT SAP Evaluation Services

We offer compassionate, thorough and understanding SAP evaluations designed to help your employees return to work safely and regain their CDLs. We understand people fail the DOT drug and alcohol tests for a variety of reasons, and we offer nonjudgmental support to address those underlying issues.

Our DOT compliance services ensure your business is employing drivers that are safe on the roads and helps your employees stay clean and sober at the wheel.

Get in Touch With Us 

If you employ drivers in safety-sensitive roles or you’re a driver who has failed a DOT drug test, contact us today to learn more about our services.


Call and schedule your assessment today!

4330 Auburn Blvd, Sacramento, Ca  95841 Main: (916) 399-3047 Fax: (888) 406-4257

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