Understanding SAP Reports
SAP Reports: The SAP provide two key reports after an employee completes the return-to-duty process: 1. Initial Report 2. Follow-Up Report 📖 See Pages 12-13 of the Follow-Up Evaluation Report
What You Need to Know About DOT & DMV in Relation to Your Return-to-Duty Process
The Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) play pivotal roles in the return-to-duty process, particularly for drivers who have violated DOT drug or alcohol testing
Understanding the Follow-Up Testing Plan and Why It’s Critical
The Follow-Up Testing Plan is a mandatory part of the DOT’s Return-to-Duty (RTD) process for employees who have violated drug or alcohol regulations. This document, created by a Substance Abuse
DOT Return-to-Duty: Common Mistakes to Avoid in the Process
Introduction DOT Return-to-Duty is one of the crucial processes any commercial driver must go through after violating the drug and alcohol regulations of the Department of Transportation. This process is
November 18th Commercial License Downgrade Approaching FAST
Choices! What are you going to do? If you haven’t yet started the Return-do-Duty process with a SAP, you can start today. What are your choices? You need the 5th
2 Ways to 5th Checkmark
What’s true about how to get your 5th checkmark in the Clearinghouse? It has been much chatter on how to obtain the 5th checkmark. Some drivers are wanting to do
How To Designate A SAP
It can be challenging finding the right SAP. You don’t want to shop price only when selecting the SAP that you choose to collaborate with, because of the varying qualifications
How to upload the RTD Test into the DOT Clearinghouse?
There has been much confusion about who uploads the RTD test in the Clearinghouse, how and when to input this data? in addition, how soon can a driver perform safety-sensitive